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Bâtiments résidentiels équipés de panneaux solaires

Did you know?

The Confederation is committed to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050.

Solar energy is one of the main pillars of this strategy. Renewable energies must meet the growing demand for electricity, as nuclear power plants are gradually decommissioned. The technologies are available. Photovoltaics, in particular, fulfills all the conditions and has the necessary potential in Switzerland. It is a resounding success: since 2007, all photovoltaic panels have produced more electricity than nuclear power plants. And the installed power has been multiplied more than 60 times since then.

Infinitely reusable, respectful of the environment, solar energy is an essential component of the energy mix of tomorrow, in Switzerland as in the rest of the world. Compared to certain precursor countries such as Germany or Italy, Switzerland still produces little electricity in this way: only 4.5% of all Swiss electricity consumption (in 2020). But various studies show that the potential is considerable: thus, by 2035, it is possible and necessary to increase annual production from 2.6 to 25 terawatt hours (TWh).

Installation of solar panels

Why install solar panels?



Installation of solar panels

Why install solar panels?



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Installation of solar panels

Why install solar panels?



Installation of solar panels

Why install solar panels?



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